Diagnosis Is Key
Each case begins with a complete review of the patient’s history and symptoms. After a thorough physical examination of the legs, the patient is given a Doppler ultrasound examination to identify the specific areas of venous reflux. Now the provider is able to determine exactly how the venous reflux developed and select the most effective method of treatment.
After diagnosis, each patient receives a customized treatment plan designed for his/her specific pattern of abnormality.

Diagnosis Is Key
Each case begins with a complete review of the patient’s history and symptoms. After a thorough physical examination of the legs, the patient is given a Doppler ultrasound examination to identify the specific areas of venous reflux. Now the provider is able to determine exactly how the venous reflux developed and select the most effective method of treatment.
After diagnosis, each patient receives a customized treatment plan designed for his/her specific pattern of abnormality.